Sunday, January 18, 2009

my world is coming down around me

i dont know who to trust anymore, the only one i know is truly 100% there for me is kathryn. Because no matter what the outcome of a situation is i know she will always be there. but thats just it... I cant say that about anyone else. It sucks to know alot of people leave in rough situations. I know now everyone really stands alone in this world. no matter how close to a person you think you are, we all die alone anyways. so whats the point?

PS. i dont want any negative comments on here, unless you wanna make things worse.
witch i really hope you dont

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Shloonktapooxis said...

Does a comment asking if it is a negative comment count as a negative comment? Because I really have no idea....

beautifuldisaster said...

no that doesnt count

Shloonktapooxis said...

Okay cool.

Shloonktapooxis said...

because I wouldn't want to be making a negative comment

beautifuldisaster said...

lol, jeff. you make me laugh

Anonymous said...

I've always found i could count on jeff...

beautifuldisaster said...

yeah, he's pretty cool